Jordan E. Spivack – Be You (The Anti-Bullying Song) (Review)

Jordan E. Spivack proudly presents: Be You (The Anti-Bullying Song)

Singer and songwriter Jordan E. Spivack is out on the music scene with a brand new single release. His latest track is named “Be You (The Anti-Bullying Song)” and as the title might suggest, it focuses on a very important, yet often overlooked topic: the impact of bullying.

Emotional abuse is often underplayed, but bullying can cause serious issues, oftentimes even leading people to hurt themselves. Bullying can be a two-way street with pain and misery, because in most cases, even the bully feels pain and there is a deeper, darker reason why they act the way the act, perhaps due to a history of their own abuse.

This song is catchy, melodic and easy to relate to, but it is also so much more than just a pretty song. It shares a powerful message with the audience, and it comes at a time in the world when everybody should learn to be more friendly and aware of other people’s feelings and needs.

Find out more about Jordan E. Spivack and listen to Be You (The Anti-Bullying Song)