Music Review


ArtistRack has been promoting for over 12 years

Music Review


Get Your Music Reviewed for Just $40! 🌟
One-time payment includes:
🎧 Professional music review
📣 Social media promotion
📧 Feature in our newsletter, sent to thousands of music lovers and tastemakers!
Boost your exposure and get your music in front of a wider audience today!
Ready to take the next step?
Fill out the form below!
Please allow up to 7 days for your review to go live. Keep an eye out for updates!
Don’t miss this chance for extra exposure!
Get your song added to multiple independent Spotify playlists (multiple playlists totalling 100,000 followers) for only $40 (original price $80)

If you would like extra promotion for your song, this is a great opportunity to have your music streamed by music lovers. We will pitch your music and get it added to multiple playlists for 4 weeks with thousands of followers and very active - LAST MONTH WE MANAGED TO GET ARTISTS GREAT RESULTS (if we are unable to secure playlists totalling the package you have purchased, we will offer you a full refund + promote your music for FREE on our socials and website)

Boost your exposure! Get your song added to ArtistRack's Official Soundcloud Playlist for just $35. (Your song must be available on SoundCloud) *

If you would like extra promotion for your song, this is a great opportunity to have your music streamed by music lovers. We will add your song to our official soundcloud playlist for 4 weeks

Amplify your reach! Feature your song on ArtistRack's Official YouTube Playlist for just $50. Get discovered by a wider audience *

If you would like extra promotion for your song, this is a great opportunity to have your music streamed by music lovers. We will add your song to our official playlist for 4 weeks

Select this option to have a video clip of your music featured on our social media accounts for increased engagement and visibility

By selecting this option, you'll have a video clip of your music posted on our social media accounts. This will not only enhance your visibility but also foster better interaction with your audience. Take advantage of this opportunity for greater promotion and reach a wider fan base!

Product price: $40.00
Total options:
Order total:

Music review for $40 one time payment (if you would like to have your music reviewed please fill in the form below.It can take up to 7 days before the review is live so keep checking in

Be in our ‘Featured‘ sections for only $35 one time payment ((this will include social promotion + be included on our newsletter sent out to thousands of music lovers and taste makers) Extra exposure

Music review for $40 one time payment if you would like to have your music reviewed please fill in the form below.It can take up to 7 days before the review is live so keep checking in

Be in our ‘Featured‘ sections for only $25 one time payment (this will include social promotion + be included on our newsletter sent out to thousands of music lovers and taste makers) Extra exposure

#Spotify #Spotify Playlist #Spotify Playlist Promotion #Spotify Playlist Submission #Spotify Promotion #Playlist Submission

#Spotify #Spotify Playlist #Spotify Playlist Promotion #Spotify Playlist Submission #Spotify Promotion #Playlist Submission

#Spotify #Spotify Playlist #Spotify Playlist Promotion #Spotify Playlist Submission #Spotify Promotion #Playlist Submission