Soulcare presenting, Etoile Filante (Live at Milano Jazz club)
« Etoile filante » composed by Rodrigo Pahlen and Yann Gaslain
Recording from Live at Milano Jazz club Barcelona
This is song is dedicated to a friend who we loved tremendously and passed away sadly some time ago. She is still very much alive in our heart and we keep the souvenir of an amazing person.
We wanted this song to be a happy song as she has always been to us and the strength of the chords and the brass section makes it a little like the oscar ceremony as she wanted to be a star!
Many thanks to Rodrigo Pahlen (Piano and harmonica), Nico Correa (drums), Antonio Restuccia (contra), Octavio Hernandez (Guitar), Andrea Amador (cello), Guillermo Calliero (trumpet), Gilles Estoppey (keyboards) and Johanna Zohler (backing vocals).
Thanks to Guim from the Milano Jazz club , to Patrick Petruchelli (mixing andmastering) and to Fran Echaverria and his team Cami Rastro for Filming and video editing.