French Kiss Gang – I Can’t Breathe

French Kiss Gang - I Can’t Breathe

French kiss gang introducing brand new single release “I can’t Breathe”

June 2020 – French Kiss Gang is a band based out of Ireland, and t hey just released a brand new song titled “I can’t Breathe,” which features a beautiful melody, but more importantly an inspiring concept as a tribute to George Floyd, an African-American man who was recently murdered by a police officer. The title is a reference of one of Floyd’s last sentences, as he was pledging with the officer to let him breathe, since the latter was kneeling down on his neck for well over 8 minutes. The event shook the whole world, and it inspired many people to raise their voices and protest inequities and systemic racism in society.

Many artists used their music and their platform to express themselves, and this is definitely the case of French Kiss Gang, who focused on the issue with their new song. The track features a trap inspired-drum beat and a reggae rhythm, bringing a soothing edge to the release. The vocals have a very narrative flow, often referencing the event quite directly, even going as far as reacting Floyd’s words and pleas.