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YouTube Ads
please insert both the artist name & song name. If information is missing this can cause delay in the submission going live.
Please insert the song link (not album)
Please select your the main genre for this song
Please tick the box if you would like our editors to write a professional Press Release for your submission (up to 200 words and can take an extra 4 days for submission to go live)
Get your song added to multiple independent Spotify playlists (multiple playlists totalling 100,000 followers) for only $40 (original price $80)
If you would like extra promotion for your song, this is a great opportunity to have your music streamed by music lovers. We will pitch your music and get it added to multiple playlists for 4 weeks with thousands of followers and very active - LAST MONTH WE MANAGED TO GET ARTISTS GREAT RESULTS (if we are unable to secure playlists totalling the package you have purchased, we will offer you a full refund + promote your music for FREE on our socials and website)
Please insert the song link (not album)
BONUS get added on to more playlists:
Get even better results - get added on more playlists (total includes the initial playlist amount) - some artists are even getting picked up by official spotify playlists
BONUS get added to HIP HOP specific playlists + the playlists above)
You will get added Hip Hop Specific playlists + the packages you choose above - GREAT RESULTS!!
BONUS get added on to a ALTERNATIVE specific playlist for only $25 + the above
You will get added to a specific playlist for Alternative - GREAT RESULTS!!
BONUS get added on to a ROCK specific playlist for only $25 + the above
You will get added to a specific playlist for your genre - GREAT RESULTS!!
BONUS get added on to a RNB specific playlist for only $25 + the above
You will get added to a specific playlist for your genre - GREAT RESULTS!!
BONUS get added on to an Electronic specific playlist for only $25
You will get added to a specific playlist for your genre - GREAT RESULTS!!
BONUS get added on to an Pop specific playlist
You will get added to a specific playlist for your genre - GREAT RESULTS!!
BONUS get added on to a Folk/Country specific playlist for only $25
You will get added to a specific playlist for your genre - GREAT RESULTS!!
BONUS get added on to a Afrobeat/Jazz/Funk/Reggae/Dancehall specific playlist for only $25
You will get added to a specific playlist for your genre - GREAT RESULTS!!
Get your song added to ArtistRack's Official Soundcloud Playlist for only $35 (your song needs to be available on soundcloud)
If you would like extra promotion for your song, this is a great opportunity to have your music streamed by music lovers. We will add your song to our official soundcloud playlist for 4 weeks
Please insert the song link (not album)
Please select if you would like to have a video clip of your music posted on our social accounts to gain better interaction
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