Tzedeck Official – The Gateway to Freedom Project

Tzedeck Official - The Gateway to Freedom Project

This is a three song mixed Tape /Single called “The Gateway to Freedom Project” that was released by Tzedeck Official.

Tzedeck means Justice in Hebrew especially Social Justice. The mixed tape/single is now available on Apple music and I-tunes for the low price of $2.99 for the holiday season. This is a very special project that features musicians, songwriters, producers, and Rappers that all worked together to create three songs who’s the goal was to inspire and give the listeners hope, faith, healing, and motivation to never give up and keep going no matter how hard life can become.

In the spirit of inclusivity, peace, and harmony we bought together artists from all over the United States especially local and gifted talent from the East Coast ( Boston Ma. ) as well as artists and producers from Nashville Tennessee. We wanted our project to model what we know is possible even today in 2018 how when people work together for the common goal of bringing healing and harmony and unity to the world you can create wonderful music and solidarity with the common purpose of healing, repair, and love.

Our hope for the project was to let people know they are not alone and they too are worthy for good life and have within them the inner resources and power to free themselves from whatever situation they might find themselves in even if it appears to be hopeless but is not! Our music videos A Reynah in Exile” and ” G-d can you send us a Lifeline” where made especially to tell a story on how these songs came to fruition! All the best for the Holidays Season! Enjoy!