N.G. Young’s latest single, Time Machine, is a powerful and thought-provoking entry into the hip-hop landscape. Hailing from Minneapolis, Naomi Gaines-Young, also known as...
ArtistRack brings to you ‘In Studio Live Performance’ by Cloak The Scribe
Live performance from Cloak The Scribe featuring DJ Showtyme of The Violator All...
ArtistRack brings to you ‘Two Picks’ by BumpyTheGreat
Super Producer/Artist BumpyTheGreat drops official Video for his single “Two Picks”
With the rise of streaming platforms and social media, having a solid promotional strategy is essential for success in the music industry. One powerful...
Erwin de Ruiter Releases Heartfelt Holiday Single: "The Lawless Land (Xmas Version)"
Dubai, UAE – December 2024 – Celebrated musician and songwriter Erwin de Ruiter...
ArtistRack brings to you ‘Runaway’ by Jackson Witcham
Jackson Witcham returns with his 3rd single this year entitled "Runaway", another evocative and soulful, honest piece...
ArtistRack brings to you ‘The Reindeer Christmas Song’ by Mal Robinson
Mal doesn't pigeonhole his songs. He experiments and combines various genres into songs. The...
ArtistRack brings to you ‘Christmas Surprise’ by The Brehms
The Brehms (David and Stephanie Brehm) have been finalists in the USA Songwriting Competition for their...