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Thank you for your submission on ArtistRack, your post will be live within a maximum of 7 days. If you have any questions please contact us

Upgrade to a sponsored submission?

Have your music or video displayed on all pages for 7 days + Your post will be pinned rotationally to the top of our twitter profile @artistrack_ and on our Facebook account

Your post will also be emailed to thousands of music lovers, record labels, club dj’s, radio stations

A Sponsored Post costs only an additional $45

This is an amazing opportunity to create some extra exposure for your music/video

Click here if you would like to upgrade

Have you opted for our Spotify Playlist Service?

This is our best selling service and we have managed to get our artist over 8 Million streams combined in the last 4 weeks. We will send your music to over 1000 Playlist Curators and guarantee your music to be placed on multiple playlists to the total of 100,000 Followers. This will get you awesome exposure.

If you are interested please click here

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If you are looking to get your music showcased on you can submit directly here. 

We have limited SPONSORED SPOTLIGHT spots available for next month, you can submit here


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