Sassy Girl – Esta Noche

Esta Noche, new single by Sassy Girl 

(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Director Inés María Barrionuevo
Music Diego Ulises Cano – Juan Ignacio Espinosa – Joaquín Sanchez
Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

On Cinema – Argentina 26th May – Spain 24th June

When her grandmother becomes seriously ill, Camila is forced to move to Buenos Aires, leaving behind a liberal public high school for a scholastic, traditional private institution. Suddenly a senior without any friends, and with her single mother caught up in family affaires; Camila’s fierce yet immature temperament is put to the test as she deals with the jarring change of scenery, and the alluring set of possibilities and experiences that lie in wait in the big city.

We made the music together with Joaquín Sanchez de Rivera Estudio. Trying to ensure that almost everything had a diegesis with the story, except for certain very specific situations. We were from the beginning in the search for a sound that had to do with current rhythms and singers that circulate through a non-commercial circuit in Buenos Aires such as La Valenti and Saga. A bolero and the theme of the credits were composed in its reggetonera version and with the intervention of hip hop by Saga. The one who sings in the movie scene is Sassy Girl who we summoned for a live performance in the movie. On the other hand, we are looking for a leitmotif that brings the character of Camila closer to that grandmother who never manifests herself and who only appears through the objects and sounds that generate a type of strangeness that makes an arc and reaches the end of the film having a sense.
Inés María Barrionuevo