Moses Atlas Gold – Talia Takili

ArtistRack brings to you ‘Talia Takili’ by Moses Atlas Gold:

currency how we look at things bars to ark’s of it Jeopardy reminds me of all the explores of Josyhn to Sociology Bat Loss Biden to Sociology/Examined S/XchologyXetremeSchology of Scholars to travel outterspace first Nova River Across from the Scaremeto River where Gold barrol’s are bardged out the woods through the roads Crestview Drive CremShaw the shawdoe ledge ridge where nobody gowhere’s house’s Rivers are secret of lamb’s/babys births, scavager’s lands no man’s land, battle lands where swamps get froggy dirty puddling war damerged everywhere smugged tree’s surroundings look worst then the bottom of mug in a river beneath the dirth Rivers carry a long stream

bustn out shoes flyer then shoes.on a t.v show glee squad they said whoever make this up is the best rapper alive Ducks feed off there feet being magnet’s like frogg’s swirlp water bend ducks flap there wings in water because of ate swamp taste because of somebody not there kind prey think prey wish apond coins feed off coins birds eat that they they swap they feet to coins

meaning to say this as watermelons grow on Tree’s the desert where berryies grow there for concrete Rain God’s bustn out shoes flyer then shoes.on a t.v show glee squad they said whoever make this up is the best rapper alive Ducks feed off there feet being magnet’s like frogg’s swirlp water bend ducks flap there wings in water because of ate swamp taste because of somebody not there kind prey think prey wish apond coins feed off coins birds eat that they they swap they feet to coins farm the coin is statefarm if it flip sweaticcoin magic it’s worth atlastaic to it’s wing’s of it’s beastfast/breakfast ducks carry yesse on they feet